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Testmadness is all about automating a test for web applications. Like the fast changing world, software testing too evolved from a manual effort to a more automation effort. Although automation test is not a complete solution for all web application testing but it surely helps when doing repetitive tests. In next few pages, I will take a step by step approach in building our first automation script using Selenium. As we proceed further I will share my knowledge on setting up a framework followed by integrating with a repository and then execute automation scripts using continuous integration (CI) tool. I do not claim to be an expert and all shared details are gained from my professional experience. This website is for those who are interested in learning automation and want to change their carrier from a manual QA resource to an Automation resource. Experts are also welcome for their valuable comments as they give me an opportunity to learn.

My initial test automation set up will be done using Selenium and Java language. Selenium automation can be done using other OOPs language like C#, Python etc, however, I will be using Java, as I am more experienced with it. So stay tuned and keep checking the Recent Posts or Index page to go to topics directly…